
Archive for August, 2012

When Mitt Romney became the presumptive Republican nominee for President, I was less than thrilled.  He was definitely not my first choice, as I believed he was too moderate and may not be strong enough to beat Obama.  But, he was our nominee, and I was ready to rally behind him.  Conservative talk show host Mark Levin has often said, and I have reiterated, that he would vote for an orange juice can over Obama.  Anybody would be a better choice than our current president, and Romney was my “anybody but Obama” candidate.

However, my feelings towards Romney have changed, and my support has grown over the past few months.  As I’ve seen him with his family, and heard the stories of his selfless acts and contributions to others, he has struck me as a genuinely good person with a strong sense of family, and a man of moral character.  Of course, I’ve been involved in the political process long enough to know that many, if not most, politicians will do and say whatever it takes to win, and maybe Romney’s apparent move to the right is nothing more than a political game.  We’ll see as time goes on.  But I have no doubt about his views on the the importance of the family unit, and I can see he walks the walk when it comes to his own family.  That’s something we’re not seeing enough of these days.

I recently had a liberal tell me that our country has been in decline for years, speaking only of economic issues.  I quickly pointed out to him that while I agree that our country has been in decline, the core of the problem isn’t economic…it’s social.  We have all but said fathers are no longer needed in the home.  Television shows portray fathers as clueless morons, and the kids are smarter than the parents.  Children’s shows portray all adults as bumbling idiots, especially parents and teachers, and are often shown blatant disrespect.  The government has essentially told single mothers that they don’t need fathers for their children, because the government is here to take care of them.  The media mocks traditional families and our values as lame and outdated, and they encourage alternative lifestyles.  They glorify single parents in Hollywood, and mock stay-at-home mothers. Our entitlement society is growing by leaps and bounds, and we’re just telling people to let the government take care of them, instead of telling them that there is a better way, and that they can be anything they want to be.  Many are 3rd and 4th generation welfare recipients, and this is all they know.  They have no goals for themselves or their children, and have no hope for their futures.  The list goes on….

We need a strong man in the White House, who sees the importance of the family and traditional values.  We need someone who takes those commitments seriously, and who will set an example for those around him and for the country as a whole.  We need a man who not only claims faith, but lives his faith.

There are two other very important issues where my support for Romney is strong.  One is his love of country.  It is clear that he wants this country to be successful.  He doesn’t make the lofty promises that Obama did, like parting the oceans and healing the planet, but he wants to do what he can to fix our economic problems, and give every American the opportunity to create his or her own success.  President Obama talks about fair shots and equal opportunity, but his actual policies only show an effort to provide equal outcomes.  Take from those who have and give to those who have not, instead of providing an opportunity for everyone to make their own way and their own wealth.

The second area of strength is in Romney’s support of our military.  He reiterated Reagan’s philosophy of peace through strength.  He wants to make our military such a strong force, that no one would dare test it.  We’ve clearly seen the opposite from President Obama, who has worked to downgrade our military over the past 3 1/2 years. When our military is all but decimated, and we’re no longer a force for good in the world, who will these other countries turn to?  Who will be that shining city on a hill?

There are other issues where I think Romney will be effective.  Obviously, he has a strong private sector background, and a record of job creation, and I trust in his ability to make strides in fixing this economy.  Another strength that crossed my mind as I listened to his speech last night is Romney’s overall work ethic.   When he promised to work hard for the American people, I believed it.  I think he’ll do just that.  In one of the videos last night, a former staffer told the story of Romney putting up a chart during a cabinet meeting, with every campaign promise on it, and he worked to fulfill every one of them by the end of his term.  Isn’t that what every politician should be doing?   Do you think Obama has a similar chart?  We hear stories all the time about Obama playing round after round of golf, and quite frankly, his schedule is pretty open for the leader of the free world.  He has more campaign events than meetings.  His first meeting of the day is somewhere around 9:30 or 10, where President Bush was in the office by 6 or 6:30, and at his daily briefings by 7.   Despite Obama’s promise of a laser-like focus on jobs, he just really doesn’t seem to be working that hard.   I think we’ll see a stark contrast in Romney.

Do I think Mitt Romney is the perfect candidate?  No.  There is no perfect candidate, and Romney doesn’t carry the full conservative credentials, although Paul Ryan does.  But I think he’s a good man, he’ll uphold the integrity of the office, respect and uphold the Constitution, and work hard for the American people.  That’s all we can ask for.

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I’m clearly a glutton for punishment.  I subjected myself to two evenings of MSNBC’s “analysis” of the Republican National Convention speeches.  I admit, I had a morbid curiosity as to how they would spin these speeches, and let me tell you, they did NOT disappoint.  While I know I should no longer be surprised at the tactics of the left and so-called mainstream media, I was absolutely appalled at their coverage.

The first thing that struck me was the pettiness and nasty tones of their comments.  I get it – they’re hard core liberals who think everything that comes out a Republican’s mouth is either racist or hateful to women.  It’s clear that their only goal is to re-elect Obama, and that they’ll do or say anything necessary to make that happen.  I know who I’m dealing with here.  But the spiteful, vicious, petty way in which they expressed their views was nothing short of nauseating.   It was basically a junior-high level “you suck” marathon.   They trashed nearly every speech as totally lacking in substance, and several of the pundits referred to the atmosphere as mean, vicious and hateful….oh yes, and racist.  I mean, what would an MSNBC analysis be without accusations of racism?

Here are a few remarks that stuck out in my mind…

Rachel Maddow, who thinks she’s the smartest person in any room, called Chris Christie’s keynote speech “…one of the most remarkable acts of political selfishness I have ever seen on a stage this big.”

Lawrence O’Donnell accused Mitch McConnell of having racist overtones in his speech, when McConnell said “For four years, Barack Obama has been running from the nation’s problems. He hasn’t been working to earn reelection. He’s been working to earn a spot on the PGA tour.”  O’Donnell claimed it was a negative racial reference to Tiger Woods.  What the…?  How do you get racism from that comment??  Guess what, O’Connell?  When you see racism in every comment, YOU are the racist!

Al Sharpton, who Rachel referred to as the “professor of oratory” — no, I’m serious…she actually said that — accused Republicans of being hypocrites because Ann Romney spoke of Mitt as a loving man, while Christie pointed out that Republicans need to worry about being respected, not loved.  “Which is it…love or respect?”…was Sharpton’s response.  Say what?  It’s not like Ann said Mitt will make you love him.  She was just speaking to the man’s character.  That makes them hypocrites?  I’m confused.  Predictably, Sharpton also went into several off-the-wall civil rights tirades….his typical M.O….but I’ll spare you the details.

Melissa Harris-Perry remarked that VA Governor Bob McDonnell believes in government “small enough to put on a transvaginal probe”, making a dig at a bill that would require an ultrasound before an abortion.  How utterly inappropriate.

“Thrill up my leg” Chris Matthews referred to Paul Ryan’s speech (which was excellent, by the way) as “very constricted, very negative and very nasty”, and implied that Ryan was speaking to racists.  Angry much, Chris?  Matthews said “It’s clear that Paul Ryan was talking to people who think about rights as something…produced by Thomas Jefferson, ignoring the people for whom the rights only came in the 1960s.”  Are you kidding me?

And while we’re on the subject, what is with Chris Matthews’ obsession with race and the “birther movement”?  The man won’t stop talking about it.   Earlier this week, he tore into RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, accusing Republicans of using the race card in their claim that the president eliminated the welfare work requirement, and in Romney’s birth certificate joke (it was a joke, people….lighten up!).  Matthews also accused Newt Gingrich of being a racist for calling Obama the “food stamp president” and said Reagan was being racist when he used the term “welfare queen”, which Matthew’s claims obviously referred to black women.  Only in your world, Chris…

Last night, Matthews even stooped so low as to grill Condoleeza Rice on “birtherism”, asking her whether her speech was a “rejoinder to all the birtherism and narrowness that she’s heard in her party.”  Unbelievable.  Of course, Condi took it all in stride, stating that there are extreme views on both sides of the aisle, and that the great majority sees us as one America.  Good answer, Condi.

The worst segment was when the entire MSNBC team went after Scott Walker on Paul Ryan’s comments about the Janesville GM plant that closed after the president promised it would stay open, claiming that the plant closed before Obama became president.  When Walker explained that there were prior layoffs, but that the plant did indeed close after Obama took office, that wasn’t good enough for the MSNBC staff.  Maddow pressed the issue and asked again.  Al Sharpton jumped into the fray and continued to talk over Walker, as he again tried to answer the question.  Ed Schultz continued pummeling Walker on the issue, but Walker stood firm on his answers regarding the plant and the auto bailouts.  It was the most disrespectful bullying I’ve ever seen from a news organization.  If they challenged Obama at even a fraction of that level, he would have never made it through the 1st campaign.  Astounding.

Long story short, this is the media bias that Republicans/conservatives are dealing with on a daily basis.  It’s not just on the part of MSNBC, although they clearly provide the most egregious example of it.  We see it from nearly every news channel.  For people like me, who live and breath politics, we know better.  I personally have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that people actually buy into their manipulation of the truth.  But for many Americans who are not involved in the political process, this is what they are often exposed to, and it’s all they hear, so they believe it.  This is why conservative talk radio and conservative bloggers are so vital to this election.  We have the truth on our side, and we must continue to get our message out.

As one example, I spoke to a co-worker recently, who votes Republican, but is completely ignorant of the political process or the issues at hand.  I made a comment to her about the liberal argument that the rich should pay more taxes.  Her response:  “they should pay more taxes.”  When I pressed her on the subject, asking how much they should pay, she had no answer, and didn’t even know how much they currently pay.  I showed her the chart of how much the top 1% pays vs the lower 50%, and she was stunned.  She had absolutely no idea, and  immediately backed away from her statement.  We just assume that people know this information, as we’ve heard it hundreds of times. Yet there are still so many who do not.  That’s where we come in.  I have those days of frustration, when it seems the situation is completely hopeless, but I know giving up is not an option.  This is a turning point for our country, and there is no time for doubting.  The current administration has got to go, so we can begin the process of restoring our country back to its founding principles.

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Opening Friday, August 10th in select theaters….check it out!

Obama's America 2016

Love Him, Hate Him, You Don't Know Him

2016 Obama’s America takes audiences on a gripping visual journey into the heart of the world’s most powerful office to reveal the struggle of whether one man’s past will redefine America over the next four years. The film examines the question, “If Obama wins a second term, where will we be in 2016?”

Across the globe and in America, people in 2008 hungered for a leader who would unite and lift us from economic turmoil and war. True to America’s ideals, they invested their hope in a new kind of president, Barack Obama. What they didn’t know is that Obama is a man with a past, and in powerful ways that past defines him–who he is, how he thinks, and where he intends to take America and the world.

Immersed in exotic locales across four continents, best selling author Dinesh D’Souza races against time to find answers to Obama’s past and reveal where America will be in 2016. During this journey he discovers how Hope and Change became radically misunderstood, and identifies new flashpoints for hot wars in mankind’s greatest struggle. The journey moves quickly over the arc of the old colonial empires, into America’s empire of liberty, and we see the unfolding realignment of nations and the shape of the global future.

Emotionally engaging, 2016 Obama’s America will make you confounded and cheer as you discover the mysteries and answers to your greatest aspirations and worst fears.

Love him or hate him, you don’t know him.

For more information, go to 2016 The Movie.

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