
Posts Tagged ‘reid’

Once again, Obama is publicly criticizing Congressman Paul Ryan’s budget proposal, which passed in the House by a vote of 228-191.  This budget proposes spending cuts of $5.3 trillion over 10 years, decreases in both personal and corporate tax rates, and deficit reduction of over $3 trillion, as well as various reforms to the tax code and to programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.  It also reduces the size of government, strengthens national defense and repeals Obamacare.

In contrast, Obama’s budget proposal would increase spending, increase taxes, increase the debt, increase the size of government, and slash defense spending.

I find it ironic that Obama would criticize anyone’s budget, when his was so absurd, not even one Democrat would back it.  His budget failed in the House with a vote of 414-0 (although the MSM outlets give the impression it only failed because of the Republican majority in the House).  It’s also important to note that this is the second time President Obama’s budget has been soundly defeated.  Last year, his budget also failed in the Senate by a vote of 97-0.  Again, not one single Democrat would back his budget.  How bad does your budget have to be that you can’t even get the support of left-wing radicals like Boxer and Reid?

In remarks at an Associated Press luncheon, President Obama slammed Ryan’s budget, saying “Disguised as [a] deficit reduction plan, it’s really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. It’s nothing but thinly-veiled Social Darwinism. It’s antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everyone who’s willing to work for it — a place where prosperity doesn’t trickle down from the top, but grows outward from the heart of the middle class. And by gutting the very things we need to grow an economy that’s built to last — education and training; research and development — it’s a prescription for decline,” the president will say.

Sounds all scary, right?  Maybe to the uninformed.  But when you break down Obama’s comments, there’s really nothing there.  These criticisms are nothing but generalizations, with no real substance behind them.  He’s not specific on any part of the plan, or how it will have any negative impact on our economy.  It’s empty rhetoric. Period.  This is all Obama knows how to do…spew empty rhetoric and attempt to bully Congress and scare Americans.

It also amazes me to watch Obama consistently “stand up” for the middle class in his speeches, but the group who is being hit the hardest by Obama’s policies is, in fact, the middle class.  Small businesses, which are the heart of this economy, have been closing their doors at alarming rates, due to the implementation of Obamacare, increasing gas prices, and the overall economic struggles we’ve experienced over the past 3 years.  If Obamacare is not repealed, and is fully implemented in 2014, even more businesses will have to close their doors.  People are still losing their jobs and their homes.  Gas prices were at $1.84/gallon when Obama took office, and is now at an average of $3.85, with some cities charging as much as $5/gallon.  Food prices are continuing to rise. The list goes on.

What we’re really seeing here is the desperation of Obama, because this whole sham of a presidency is coming to light to more and more Americans every day.  He knows that the public is not buying into this “war on women” and the war on the elderly and the poor, and that the typical scare tactics of the Democratic party are just not resonating anymore.  People are finally seeing that this president is hellbent on “fundamentally transforming America” into a socialistic society, and they don’t want any part of it.  Obama trashed the Supreme Court in his SOTU speech 2 years ago, and has now attempted to bully them into upholding Obamacare.  This again shows his desperation.  He’s clearly worried that the Supreme Court will strike down this un-Constitutional debacle of a bill.  And the attacks from the left will continue to become more hateful and more desperate.  Obama knows his days are numbered, and Michelle’s 4-year vacation is coming to an end.

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If you listen to Vice President Joe Biden, the most effective way to prevent rape and murder is more federal stimulus spending. In the Vice President’s defense, at least this is a new argument, considering the others—jobs created, bridges built, energy generated—have all miserably failed. But this desperate argument, while fresh, is also incorrect.

The Vice President made the remarks first in a speech on Tuesday at the University of Pennsylvania, saying additional stimulus would put police on the streets and lower crime, adding that he wished conservative lawmakers “had some notion of what it was like to be on the other side of a gun, or [to have] a 200-pound man standing over you, telling you to submit.” On Wednesday in Flint, Michigan, Biden doubled down on those comments.

Biden was confronted on video by Human Events editor Jason Mattera and was asked: “And if the Republicans don’t pass this bill, then rape will continue to rise?” Biden angrily responded: “Murder will continue to rise, rape will continue to rise, all crimes will continue to rise.” White House press secretary Jay Carney gave President Obama’s blessing to this message in yesterday’s press briefing, even as The Washington Post’s “fact checker” gave Biden “four pinocchios,” calling the claim “absurd.”

Biden also has the blessing of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D–NV) who scheduled a vote yesterday on the $35 billion stimulus bill the Vice President was pushing, which was paid for with a new tax hike on wealthy Americans.

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This entire jobs bill debacle is really working my last nerve.  Obama wanted the full dog and pony show, requesting a joint session of Congress, and demanding that Congress “pass this jobs bill…RIGHT AWAY!”

Now, here we are, six weeks later, with no jobs bill.  Of course, I’m fine with that, given the fact that it will be paid for by higher taxes and basically only includes jobs for unions, i.e. teachers, first responders and construction workers.  Also, let’s not forget the fact that this would be, once again, a temporary fix.  But the political rhetoric and partisan bickering, along with the completely un-presidential behavior of Obama is truly beyond the pale.

Not only are Republicans against this bill, but so are some Democrats.  When Obama complained about the bill not being passed quickly enough, Senator Mitch McConnell suggested the Senate immediately bring it to a vote.  However, Harry Reid refused to do it.  Why?  Because it didn’t have the votes to pass!  Did Obama get upset at the Democrats?  Nope.  He blamed Republicans.  Finally, Reid brought it to a vote, and it didn’t pass.  Why?  Because there were Democrats who voted no.   Yet, all we hear is Obama blaming Republicans.  I haven’t heard one word about Democrats not voting for it.  And let’s be clear.  Obama doesn’t just make a point that Republicans won’t pass it.  He’s snide, sarcastic, mean-spirited and rude, calling Cantor out by name, and claiming that Republicans don’t want to put people back to work, which is completely disingenuous.  Does that sound presidential to you?

So, I’m wondering….why is he doing this?  Rush Limbaugh recently made the point that if Senate Democrats are only a few votes short, why isn’t Obama going to these people, and convincing them to pass the bill?  Isn’t that how the Democrats passed the health care bill??  Doesn’t that make more sense than for him to travel all over the country, making speeches about Republicans not passing it?  Clearly, Obama doesn’t care if this bill passes or not.  If the bill does pass, he wins over voters who benefit from the bill.  If the bill never passes, Obama can forever blame Republicans.  He thinks that will get him re-elected.   That’s a strategy???  These trips around the country are nothing more than campaign stops, and his strategy is to blame everyone else for his failures.

Liberals are always claiming that Republicans don’t want to put people back to work, which is, on it’s face, utterly ridiculous.  However, they don’t seem to care that Obama is using the American people as pawns in his bid for re-election.

VP Biden is just as bad.  He has repeatedly claimed that more rapes and murders will occur, if the Republicans don’t pass this bill.  Really?  Is that really the language a vice president should be using?  What is wrong with this administration?  I just don’t understand their mentality on this.  That is not a way to lead!!

And let’s not forget Harry Reid.  He claimed that private sector jobs are doing just fine, and that the public sector needs all the help.  Tell all of the private sector unemployed Americans that!  He has also proposed a 5.6% surtax on millionaires.  Please, please tell me how this is, in any way, shape or form, Constitutional!  We all know it is not.  Yet, who is calling him out on this?

When are Americans going to stand up and speak out against this administration?  They are dividing this country more and more, and no one is calling them out.   Obama claimed to be a uniter, but has done nothing but divide.  He promised transparency, but has been one of the most secretive in history, with clear signs of corruption and scandal all around him.

We cannot withstand another 4 years of this president.   Enough is enough.

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