
Posts Tagged ‘DOJ’

Here we go again…  The Obama administration is waging an unprecedented war against state and local law enforcement, and as with every new Obama story, causing more racial division.  Where does it end, America?


(h/t – Townhall.com)

The Department of Justice just can’t help itself. Yesterday after the most important provision, or what Arizona Governor Jan Brewer called the “heart” of SB 1070 was unanimously upheld, which allows local law enforcement to inquire about legal status, the feds set up a hotline in the state for people to report “potential” civil rights violations.


and online


And yes, the hotline was set up by the same Civil Rights Division within the Justice Department that refused to prosecute New Black Panther Party members for intimidating voters outside of a Philadelphia polling place in 2008. Also, according to the Washington Times, the Obama administration has ended the partnership between Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the agency has been instructed not to return calls from local law enforcement regarding illegal immigration.

The Obama administration said Monday it is suspending existing agreements with Arizona police over enforcement of federal immigration laws, and said it has issued a directive telling federal authorities to decline many of the calls reporting illegal immigrants that the Homeland Security Department may get from Arizona police.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio isn’t buying it.

“I’m not stopping anything. I’m going to continue to enforce those state laws regardless of what the federal government is trying to put pressure on me to satisfy all these activists, which by the way are in front of my building right now.”

Read the full story at Townhall.com

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Many voters, on both sides of the aisle, get very squeamish when they hear things like “Obama is a Marxist” or “Obama is turning America into a socialist nation”.  It can come across as extreme or conspiratorial, and frankly, Americans just don’t want to believe that their president is a bad guy who is fighting against everything we believe in and wants to destroy America as we know it.

Unfortunately, that is indeed the situation we’re facing in this country.  Obama was admittedly raised under heavy Marxist influence, and as time goes by, and Obama continues to implement destructive policies, sometimes bypassing Congress to do so, we are seeing more and more signs of his true Marxist core.  He promised in 2008 to “fundamentally transform” America.  If he truly loved this country, why would he want to transform it?  Wouldn’t he want to preserve or restore it?  And just what does he mean by “transform America”?

A few months ago, I came across a book entitled “The Naked Communist” by W. Cleon Skousen.  The book was written in the 1950’s, but I was stunned at how his description of Karl Marx and other Communist/Socialist/Marxist leaders also described many of the views of President Obama and the situation we’re facing today.  I’ll be covering some of these parallels over the next several posts.

One of the most common ways we describe the tactics of the radical left is with the phrase “the end justifies the means”.  They’ll say or do anything necessary to achieve their goals.  A core belief of Communism/Marxism is the denial of the existence of God.  If there is no God, there are no moral absolutes.  Man is his own god.  Whatever is just in his own mind is moral.  Therefore, whether his/her tactics are  “legal”, “moral”, or not, it does not matter, as long as it is effective.

Consider some of situations we’re experiencing during President Obama’s term.  The DOJ is going after states who are attempting to secure borders or deal with illegal immigration.  Why?  Because they want votes, legal or illegal.  The DOJ is also going after states who are trying to enforce voter ID laws.  Why?  Because they want votes, legal or illegal.  Just days ago, Obama officially implemented parts of the DREAM Act (bypassing Congress after they refused to pass the bill), giving many illegals amnesty.  Why?  You guessed it.  The DOJ demanded that Florida discontinue their efforts to clean up their voter rolls.  Democrats have falsely accused the GOP on a war against women, claiming Republicans want to take away their access to health care.  Democrats falsely accuse the tea party, or any opponent of Obama for that matter, of racism.  Obama stirs up class warfare, claiming the evil 1% of income earners have all the opportunities in this country, and the 99% doesn’t have a fair shot.  He’s pitting one group of people against the other, and creating division throughout the country.  In large part, this is an attempt to get more voters.  However, there’s more to it than that.  This is part of his plan to “fundamentally transform” America.

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